Onfarm Data Global
To power our farmers and growers with the analytics and automation that delivers complete operational clarity over all their entire irrigation area. Giving back the one commodity that is always in short supply – Time.
With the global focus on producing the worlds food requirements with an ever decreasing environmental footprint, agriculture is now more data driven than ever before. At Onfarm Data, we aim to provide practical analytic and automation solutions that deliver the operational clarity on every aspect of the customers irrigation area. Whether your focus is water use efficiency, nutrient placement, or effluent management. Our goal is to ensure that our customers have the power of precision in the palm of their hands.
We understand that every farm has a unique and individual requirement when it comes to their irrigation management, and so our team provides one to one consultation and advice to help you manage irrigation decisions that will meet your compliance needs and help you reduce risks. We believe in having a clear understanding of your business in order to identify the solutions you need.
Our main goal is to develop fully integrated hardware that delivers operational clarity to adhere to the industry standards and to the heavily regulated environment. With the diverse market demand for irrigation systems, Andrew Neill, the CEO of Onfarm Data, formed the company in 2017 to automatically generate an adaptive irrigation system that takes into account life changing conditions of the soil type, crop needs, water levels and weather forecast.
Worldwide Installations
Over the course of 20 years, Aquaflex soil moisture sensors were developed by agricultural research scientists at the AgResearch Department at Lincoln University, in order to provide accurate analytics to farmers. Today, over 7000 Aquaflex systems have been installed in more than 40 countries worldwide and over 4500 telemetry systems have been installed nationally around New Zealand.